We haven't even left and we are just so in awe of the Lords provision. It so grieves my heart when people who never truly have taken the time to get to know our God and have never truly experienced His grace and His goodness, spend their life trying to disprove something that can only be proven by truly taking time to learn it experientially.
When you see the hand of the Lord move and watch something like our upcoming trip come together and watch every little detail and every little need, even down to specific books or little glow sticks be provided for, or something that truly is a want just to bless a family just because it would truly just show them God's abundant pleasure He takes in giving them good things, you can only marvel at how sweet it is just to take Him at His word and just to rest upon His promises.
No amount of thanks can ever justify how grateful David and I are to all who are making this trip possible, so many have and continue to give, there are still needs to be met, finances to come in, but if God is for us who can be against us! Our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus!
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