Life goes at its own pace here in Africa, it has its definite cycle starting early in the morning and this morning, as I was trying to enjoy the cool of the sun (that arises at 5am) I encountered a troop of monkeys foraging for breakfast in the trees above me as I disrupted their morning routine. Tea time comes around 10 every morning, with all sorts of interesting insects buzzing about enjoying the sun and clamoring over the faucet for a drink of some life giving sustenance … round bath time in the evening the rescued bushbaby (seen with Alistair in picture below) in the front yard comes awake and continues the cycle of life to watch over the night as we all power down early to rest before the hasty sun arises again at 5am.
To say the kids are getting the full Charlotte Mason experience here in Southern Africa is an understatement!
Yesterday we spent the day getting acquainted with the camp and all the staff, and having a very sweet time of prayer with everyone up at the highest point on the property here, they call Everest, as we prayed down over the canopy stretching towards the water in the distance, you can only marvel at the work the Lord is doing here and in this beautiful land, and you cannot help but be compelled to pray for the Lords protection and growth in this place, and for it to stretch out like the canopy of the trees and to penetrate the lives and families of all those that come through this place.
Its so exciting to see my husband come alive, and to watch the kids interact with those of the very varied cultures you encounter here, just like they are old friends never having been apart and watching George and his hard working helping hands, to the sweet ladies who are our hands and feet, that feed and clean, so we in turn can be those hands and feet to others, so the cycle goes and you get that settled and thankful knowing that this is where you are to be, this is your time.
The cultural diversity you see here is so diverse, some have so little yet so much as they fully embrace life and all the Lord has for them. This morning, I struggle to find my place torn between two worlds, not wanting to serve two masters, seeking the Lords face for how He would have me serve as the mom He has called me to be, yet not forsaking the heart He has given us as a family for the people of this country.
So our prayer today is to seek His will in all we do, and then Lord so graciously ushers us into the routine of homeschooling (with two extra kids in tow) today, as David labors on in the workshop-using his God given gifts to pull two vehicles apart to have them become one, as beloved ones go off to a funeral to mourn the loss of friends, we realize our place of service for the day. Just like David in the workshop learning to make two vehicles out of onw, this African country, where the two are learning to become one and the people wrestle side by side doing foreign things and being stretched into new boundaries, to become one nation under God, one nation that can serve Him and be transformed into what He has called this land to be.
Today, in the stead of those who need time to grieve, we welcome our first camp of high school seniors, and we thank the Lord for placing us here for such a time as this, for giving us our daily bread and showing us the path He has for our day, for showing us He alone is to be our Master, and that as we follow Him so He will lead us day by day.
The boundaries are being stretched and the relationships are being deepened, and the name of the Lord above all is being praised. Thank you for allowing us to be here, to be the extra hands, and mouths and feet where needed.
May those who wait upon the Lord, renew their strength, and mount up on wings like eagles, as they run and walk and do not grow weary or faint….today lean not on your own understanding, as you follow the path the Lord has for you, seek His face in all you do, and use every good and perfect thing He has given you from above for His glory.
We love you…
Jackie for the Grays
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