Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This was written 19 April 2012, but never got a chance to post it, thankful for good internet back here in the US, updated post coming soon soon:

Trying to write a blogpost, but way too much going on in my heart and head that needs to be procesessed, so here are the highlights :
1. Its a beautiful clear and cool Autumn day in Cape Town
2. Jesus loves you and died for you, even if you choose not to acknowledge His sacrifice or existence in this world today
3. He truly is the only way to heaven
4. Two more weeks till the kids and I get to com...e back to the US
5. Chattanooga, Cape Town and Earth are not my home - Heaven is!
6. There are a lot of physically poor and vulnerable people in the world, and I think we all have a responsibility to share our physical wealth with them, and spend time with them, I have seen so much dedication and dependance on God through the physically poor and emotionally broken on this trip - we have a lot to learn
7. I think Francis Chan is a great modern day role model (if you don't know who he is you are missing out)
8. I miss my husband
9. Me and my back are looking forward to sleeping in my bed again
10. I have great kids and am very thankful for all the time I get to invest into their lives, and so thankful that our schoolroom is not bound by the same building each day
11. Thankful for my parents love and generosity towards me and my family
12. Not sure what the future holds, but looking forward to it with excitement knowing the Lord will show us the way, and that it will be His perfect will not ours...
13. I have great friends, and am thankful for all you bring to my life
14. Thankful that God uses and works in non-believers lives even when they are not aware of it - I probably wouldn't be here today without Him working in my life when I was lost

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